Friday, December 24, 2010

bosan,bosan dan bosan............

hidup ni sukar ditafsirkan...???????????
kdg2 bahagia jew..
dan kdg2 terase hidup ni x bermakna jew....
aku bosan hidup mcm ni....
x tau la nape....??
susah klu hidup ini ade sje org yg dengki dan iri hati....
kate laen yg maksudkan ialah X LEH TGK ORG LEBIH SKIT & JELES...
aku benci org2 mcm ni....
x tau la nape hidup aku msti ade org2 mcm ni...
perlu ke ade org2 mcm ni di muke bumi ALLAH ni???????????????
aku da bosan mcm ni....
smpai bile harus ade org2 mcm ni???????????

1 comment:

  1. hey we are from the 7th and would like to personally invites you to join our contest, we need 30 more contestant and we are going to increase the prize, hence, the bigger chances for you to win,have a look!

    happy muffins all!

    with love,
    -The 7th-
